Willis Weatherford


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about willis

Willis Weatherford was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky, and is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University and Covenant Theological Seminary. Before coming to W&L in 2022, Willis was Pastor to Students at Christ the King in Houston, TX. He has past experience planting a Young Life club in St. Louis, as a wilderness guide in California, and in frontier evangelism with Operation Mobilization in Nepal. Willis loves life in general, especially family time in the outdoors, trail running, skiing, concerts, sports, bluegrass music, and reading.

Willis and Mary have been married since 2013 and have three kids: Judah and Juniper (b. 2018) and James (b. 2020). Mary earned her Masters’ Degree in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Kentucky, and loves bringing people together, baking, and the outdoors. Willis and Mary are thrilled to be a part of the amazing Washington & Lee and Lexington community!