Wendy Twit


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about WENDY

Wendy grew up in Columbia, TN and graduated from Tennessee Tech with a BSN in Nursing. She moved back to Nashville to work at Vandy to pay the bills but her passion was to work with college girls at the newly started Belmont RUF. She even talked to the new Campus Minister (Kevin) about quitting nursing to go be an RUF intern. He convinced her to stay and lead a bible study and volunteer for Belmont RUF. So she stayed and ended up getting married to that campus Minister in 1998. Still volunteering with the RUF women 24 years later and she loves it. She went back to school once her daughter went to Kindergarten to study Photography. She does that part time. Wendy worked part time for Parakaleo for 4 years coming alongside women in ministry. Now she is coming on part time Campus Staff with RUF and is excited to walk alongside RUF women. Wendy and Kevin have 3 teenagers(one in college). Wendy likes to go to dance class, hike at Radnor Lake, watch movies and play Settlers in her spare moments.