Sebastian Avalos is in his second year of the RUF internship, passionately pursuing the students of the University of Texas at El Paso and El Paso Community College with the gospel of grace. His life was drastically changed in 2018 when the Lord brought him out of New Age Spirituality and witchcraft, breathing life and vigor into the core of his being. He resonates heavily with the passage of Luke 7:41-50, as he was forgiven of much, and the Lord used that to spark a large fire in his heart to proclaim Christ's victory.
He serves as a Deacon and Music Director at New City Fellowship, his local church and creates Christian music to reach an unreached culture under the artist name "THE ONE HE LOVED" (a reference to John in his gospel). He is married to Sara Avalos, his best friend and partner-in-Christ. They have been married since 2021, and she helps him immensely in his pursuit of vocational ministry. He started pursuing a Masters in Divinity in the year of 2023, and went under care of his presbytery in 2024. "The idea of being a pastor is terrifying to me," he says, "but I have a deep sense of calling to teach and love God's people. I know God will take me, grow me, and mold me, and use this broken jar just the way He wants to."
Pray for him and his wife as they walk through this journey together, and pray for those he has been called to minister to.