Matt Vanderworp


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about MATT

Matt and Hilary are a married couple dedicated to serving international students. Matt is excited to build a strong foundation for RUF-I at NC State. With a seminary degree and prior experience as an RUF intern, he is well-prepared to lead this new ministry.

A graduate of the University of Houston, Matt discovered his passion for ministry within the welcoming RUF community. His subsequent work with graduate students deepened his commitment to serving internationals. To establish a sustainable RUF-I chapter, Matt will focus on building a supportive team and securing financial resources. With a solid foundation in place, he can then focus on reaching students for Christ and equipping them to serve.

Matt and Hilary love to cook, brew a good cup of coffee, and go on adventures with their pup, Barney. Matt also loves to play soccer and make music in his spare time.