Naomi Slater


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about NAOMI

Naomi was born and raised in Harrisonburg, VA. She grew up as a classic pastor’s kid, and as the youngest of five children, always aspired to be as fun as her older siblings. In 2023, she graduated from James Madison University with a degree in Special Education. Throughout her time at JMU, Naomi was heavily involved in RUF which provided her with a community that continually challenged and encouraged her, a community that showed her more of the heart of Jesus.

Naomi is a wholehearted extrovert and an avid lover of spending time with people. When given a free day, she loves going to coffee shops, going for walks, baking chocolate chip cookies, planning and filming her next fun Tik-Tok idea, organizing a game night, or cozying up at home to read, or watch another episode of Gilmore Girls. She is a lover of all things caramel, a good sunset, and any and all kinds of flowers. As an enneagram 4, Naomi loves getting to pursue the depths of people’s hearts to better understand and care for them, and she loves walking alongside people as they process the joys and sorrows of this life. As an intern, she hopes to help her students find Jesus more beautiful despite the unique challenges that the college years bring. Naomi is so excited to spend the next few years serving and loving the students at "the real USC." Go Gamecocks!!