Michael Goodlin


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Born in Japan, the son of a Navy family, Michael spent his childhood in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland. As a kid he both played soccer and swam as well, as did all the nerdy things kids did in the late 90’s to early 00’s (like collecting Pokemon cards and playing Nintendo 64). After coming to faith in his senior year of high school, Michael went to Nyack College in New York where he and his wife Natasha met. Though it took him three years to figure out how amazing she was, Natasha had her sights set on him from the moment they met! As a result, the two got married in June of 2012 and moved to Natasha’s home town: Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

While living in Lancaster, Michael attended Westminster Theological Seminary, and Natasha worked as an ESL teacher at a nearby middle and high school. Michael graduated from WTS in 2015 and received the call to become the RUF Campus Minister at Lehigh University in 2017.

Michael and Natasha enjoy being active, reading, and cooking for guests. Natasha relishes any morning she can get to herself, in silence, with her coffee and a book. They have four awesome kids who are filled with more energy than they sometimes know what to do with. As a family they enjoy walks, reading, riding bike, going to the park, going to the pool in the summer, and traveling to see family and friends. The Goodlins love living in Bethlehem, being involved at Lehigh University, and hope that you will love it too!