Kimmy Mota


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about KIMMY

Kimmy grew up in Tulsa, OK, and moved down to Houston, TX in 2016. She attended the University of Houston where she studied history and began her love for learning other people's stories. She found RUF during her freshman year of college and truly believes that's where she began to understand the gospel and God spoke into her life, changing her forever. She had the privilege of serving in RUF all four years of college as "name-tag-girl" and as a women's Bible study leader. She loved it so much that she decided to stay as an RUF Intern for two years before transitioning to Campus Staff. She has enjoyed walking alongside students as they discuss scripture, learn what following Jesus entails, and share with one another some of the beautiful and hard things about life. When she's not meeting with students, you can find her drinking iced coffee, where the baristas on UH's campus know her order by heart. Other than her cat named Beans, Kimmy loves spending time with friends, going for walks or runs, and trying the best spots for breakfast tacos.