Jon Dunning


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about jon

Rev. Jon Dunning grew up in Neenah, Wisconsin, graduated from Miami University (Ohio, not Florida) with degrees in mathematics and secondary education, and received a Master of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis.

While in seminary, he fell for a smart, beautiful, out-going engineer from St. Louis named Tricia and they were married in 1999. They have been blessed with three kids: Lucy (2004), Jack (2007), and Thad (2011). When he can find or make the time, Jon watches football and reads.

Jon served for over nine years as Associate Pastor at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church in Overland Park, Kansas. The Dunnings moved to Manhattan in August 2013 to start an RUF work at Kansas State. They are thrilled to serve college students through the gospel at “K-State.”