Carrie Humes


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Carrie is about as close to being Colorado native as you can get without being born there. She was homeschooled with her two little sisters all the way through high school, after which she took a gap year that never ended. Post high school, she spent three years teaching at her old dance studio, then seven years playing in the dirt at a local plant nursery. Nowadays, Carrie spends half of her time drawing and running the art business she launched in 2023, and half of her time making community with other women. Her young adult years were heavily influenced by the investment of older Christian women in her life, and she’s excited to be pursuing that same calling with the young women of Colorado Springs.

Carrie met Andrew in high school youth group and married in 2019. They started volunteering together as youth small group leaders in 2015, and have been hanging out with students ever since. Andrew grew up always on the move and spent seven years as a missionary kid in Spain. He has an associates from UCCS and now works in cyber security. The Humes love to travel, enjoy the standard outdoor Colorado stuff when they’re home, and habitually snuggle on the couch with a good show or a rousing game of Pass the Pigs.