Jon Bonker


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about JON

Jon was born and raised in Washington, D.C., and did his undergraduate studies at James Madison University. He then studied at Covenant Seminary where he received his MDiv in 2007 and was ordained as a minister in the PCA in 2009. He set out the same year to do missionary work in Bangladesh, where he remained until meeting his amazing wife, Katie, in 2011. Katie did her undergraduate work at San Diego State University and had just returned from spending two years in Malawi, Africa. They were married in 2012 and returned to Bangladesh with Mission to the World where they began the adventure of doing life, marriage and family together in a unique and wonderful place. It was here they lived, worked, and raised their children (Hannah, Naomi, Judah, Micaiah, and later, David) until the pandemic brought them back to the States. Having lived abroad as foreigners themselves, Jon and Katie understand some of the challenges that international students face. They’re so excited to be at UF welcoming students from all over the world!